纽约人拍纽约(图).New Yorker Photographs New York

12楼 2010年4月16日 19:05:23 Jeff
Another view of Manhattan from Calvary Cemetery in Queens, NY

13楼 2010年4月16日 19:06:38 Jeff
A clear view of Mid-Town Manhattan looking west from Calvary Cemetery in Queens, NY.

14楼 2010年4月18日 21:23:20 斑竹

C: I like to see the photos of the Liberty lady and Ground zero most
A: Ground zero is a big construction zone right now
C: (nod)
C: I thought you people would keep it for remember
A: I think they are going to build another building there
A: i think they will name it: "the freedom tower"

C: take a photo of it if you have free time plz
A: I'll see what I can do
C: you have pics about ground zero, right?
A: no...i didn't get a chance to go there
A: and besides it's all covered up with high fencing..difficult to get good pics

Note:This guy said "anything I say you can put on your website", so I post the talk here since even though this thread about New York has no pics about Ground Zero, at least, it has the talk about it.  

15楼 2010年6月15日 19:16:22 Jeff
View of Times Square in Manhattan looking south from 44th Street.

16楼 2010年6月15日 19:44:28 Jeff
View of Times Square going south on Broadway.

17楼 2010年6月15日 19:45:13 Jeff
Times Square at the corner of 44th Street and Broadway.

18楼 2010年6月16日 13:26:46 Jeff
View of Times Square in the area between Broadway and 7th Avenue.

19楼 2010年6月16日 13:27:37 Jeff
View of Times Square from 43rd Street and 7th Avenue. 

20楼 2010年6月16日 13:29:09 Jeff
Times Square view from 42nd Street and Broadway.

21楼 2010年6月16日 13:31:45 Jeff
The photographer
第1页 第2页 共2页
1. 当有人要在911遗址旁建清真寺......(图)
2. 今日的纽约911世贸大楼遗址(图)
3. 路易维尔人写拍的路易维尔.Louisviller Writes And Photographs Louisville (English)